Monday, January 19, 2009

One Day Late - That's no SO Bad.....

OK, so I'm getting closer to this whole 'weekly' (-ish) blogging. It's been a very uneventful week. I really don't have much of anything to report. I didn't have to work today, and got lots of routine, boring crap done - called All-State to schedule for a new windshield to be installed in my truck, did the paperwork to get my transcripts from Rose-Hulman sent to Colorado State from my master's program, vacuumed my carpet and cleaned all the salt (from the sidewalks/roads) off of my hardwood floor. Yep, some readers are no doubt finding their eyes losing focus as I put them to sleep with random lame tasks.

So instead of talking about anything people legitimately care about, I'm going to make a couple of random commercial observations.

1. The latest Dodge truck commercials reach a new low
Really all the recent commercials from the main truck makers have gotten absurd. I'm ready for them to take Denis Leary (Ford), Howie Long (Chevy), and the dude with the stupidly deep voice (Toyota), and somehow make them part of these ridiculous tests. Maybe something will go wrong. Here's part of the Dodge commercial series, where four teams (identified as FIREMEN, MILITARY, COWBOYS, and CONTRACTORS - very tough, indeed) do stupid things with trucks and pretend that it's a good idea.

2. SlapChop - If you've been watching the national geographic channel you've probably seen the SlapChop commercial. If the guy doing the commercial wasn't such a terd I probably would've already bought one of these do-dads. It's safe to say I'm very intrigued.....I know, they never work like the commercial shows.

Other Items to Fill my Blog

(whoa, my keyboard just went into 'Chinese' mode due to hitting Ctrl+something. I recovered....)

My 8th grade basketball team got beaten badly again this week - 28-7

I bowled quite poorly this week - 146/162/154. That'll hurt the ol' handicap

The Fightin' Illini basketball team looks WAY better than expected this year. I think this is a classic 'addition by subtraction' situation. It's amazing how much better we are NOT throwing the ball to Shaun Pruitt or watching Brian Randle turn the ball over.

Work has been very hectic the last 2 weeks. I'm hoping it slows down, but deep down I know it's going to be a hectic couple of months.

To keep this post from being a total stinker, I'll post the family pictures from Xmas. I'll try to be less boring next week.


Bob and LouAnne said...

OOh, thanks for posting the family pics. I forgot about that one. That stupidly-low-voiced guy on the Toyota Truck commercials would be Sam Elliot, who used to play a great cowboy and some people, they like his voice.

Michael said...

OK, I take back the bad things I said about Sam Elliot. The voice in and of itself is soothing to the ears and very relaxing. Dennis Leary has been known to be a pretty funny guy. And Howie Long has turned out to be a wonderful trophy husband for Teri Hatcher. But they gotta get out of the business of these ridiculous commercials. What happened to the good ol' days when they just played 'Like a Rock' and showed a guy slamming the tailgate in slow-motion, followed by the truck cresting a hill on a dusty road (again, in slow motion)? If Bob Seger can do a classy commercial, I think the others should fall in line too!

BTW, I ordered a SlapChop tonight! I got ripped off, I'm sure.....