Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This is What Can Happen When Boredom is a Motivator

While on the phone tonight, Megan pointed out some funny videos on her blog (that I regularly forget to check), and I decided I should play along on this blogging phenomenon. It does seem to be a good way to keep everybody more up to date on my comings and goings. I obviously won't be discussing details of work on here. But rather than focus on what WON'T be on here, I'll give everybody some teasers of what WILL be covered.
  1. Travel excitement - When I travel to great places (like Rome, NY!) I'll paint the scene for everybody and it'll be almost like you were here yourself (minus the part where I got up at 3:45am to catch a 6 am flight).
  2. Sports excitement - I know everyone wants to hear about my glorious career as a rec. league sports superstar! You all already know this, but people take sports way too seriously, even as adults. For better or worse, I have already honed my athletic skills back when it seemed more appropriate to spend 30 hours a week trying to master a game. So now I amuse myself by dominating people that think there are professional scouts in the crowd of 20 people watching the games. I hope this stops being amusing before I tear my ACL, but the smart money is on my career ending under the knife. Maybe I'll surprise myself and stop while still intact......
  3. Dating excitement (some of it) - I'm just gonna throw a little bit of this information in there to try to calm some nerves. Anytime I'm interacting with females my age and Megan is around, her desperation on my behalf is palpable! ;-) Don't panic. Even if I don't find a keeper in the next few years, I'm getting close to the point where I can be somebody's marriage Round #2. I'm told these girls have much lower expectations and a wealth of knowledge on how to make a relationship work!
  4. Random Theories - I've got 'em. Now I'm gonna share 'em. Examples - half-sized loaves of bread (someone has since stolen this idea from me and started producing them), how to fix the DH problem in major league baseball, how my old lady of a neighbor could quit banging her front left bumper on the garage everytime she pulls in (it's called 'reverse'). I will likely only be amusing myself with these stories.

I'll be attempting to adopt the 'sunday updates' theory from Megan, but I can't make any promises at this point. We'll just see how it goes.


Megan said...

Okay now...come on. I'm trying really hard not to be desperate for you. I guess I'm not doing a good enough job. It's just that I know what a catch you are and want you to happy...and well, to have the PERFECT soul mate like me. ;) You can sense desperation...hopefully you can sense sarcasm.

And I love your musings. I'm glad you're jumping on the bloggin' bandwagon.

Bob and LouAnne said...

What's that? You've been poking fun at bloggers? Listen, there are some pretty entertaining blogs out there. I'm sure yours will be one of them.

Aunt Lou

Kickin' It With The Koesters said...

Listen, speaking of stealing ideas, the title of my blog last week was Holy Ikeness Batman! Ah, the Kinfolk connection - it never ceases to amaze me.
I know, I know, you're thinking...what post about Ike are you talking about?? Well, I never actually "posted it":) It's waiting on me in the draft box to finish it!

P.S. Welcome to Bloggerland Michael!!

Aunt Lori