Sunday, May 10, 2009

Lacking for Good Blogging Material

I have trouble coming up with good stuff to say on here because I don't talk about work at all. And since I'm really dragging, I'm just gonna try this whole '8 things' excitement originally brought into my blogging world by cousin goes.

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:

1.) Paying off the loan on my truck (hopefully in June!)
2.) Finishing my master's degree (hopefully in December!)
3.) Reading books I actually pick out on my own, once I finish #2
4.) Going home next weekend, and possibly seeing a few long lost friends while I'm there
5.) A vacation. I don't even care where I go, as long as it isn't my desk.
6.) Less responsibility AND more pay. Strangely, that is probably going to happen soon. I wander why I feel like I need a vacation right now.....
7.) Soccer going extinct :-)
8.) Self-cleaning bathrooms. That's gotta be coming soon.

8 Things I Did Yesterday (I'm expanding this to 'the last couple of days'):

1.) Caught a foul ball at a Dayton Dragons game
2.) Ate dinner with people from 5 different continents
3.) Wrote a paper on Lewin's stages for implementing change
4.) Picked up a handgun that was lying on the floor
5.) Told my friend not to drink her 5th 'sex on the beach' in an hour (she should have listened. It ended poorly for her.)
6.) Watched the fireworks following the Reds defeat of the Cardinals
7.) Formally withdrew my name from 2 softball teams this summer in order to concentrate more on my master's classes
8.) Ate at Moe's, the most amazing southwestern grill restaurant less than a mile from my place.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1) See my abs?
2) Jump-serve
3) Live in non-midwest climate while being close to the family
4) Stop my fingernails and toenails from growing
5) Freeze time
6) Retire?
7) Think of two more reasonable things I wish I could do
8) Eliminate discussions and requirements for wishes

8 Shows I Watch:

1) Pardon the Interruption
2) Baseball Tonight
3) 24
4) SportsCenter
5) The Daily Show
6) The Universe
7) Survirorman
8) The Dog Whisperer

8 People I Want to Tag:

1) Landon
2) Albert Pujols
3) Milli
4) Vanilli
5) Jack Bauer
6) Edward Cayce
7) Stephen Hawking
8) Scarlett Johannson


Lindsey said...

Thanks for playing!

Unknown said...

What's with the handgun??